Finding legal pathways for humans seeking safety

We’re a collective of attorneys and accredited representatives advocating for the rights and reunification of immigrant families.

Know Your Rights Recurring Event

Due to recent changes implemented by the new Administration and the high demand for presentations throughout the community, we will be offering monthly virtual KNOW YOUR RIGHTS sessions which will cover the following topics:

  • Know Your Rights
  • How to Protect Your Family
  • Immigration Updates and Changes
  • Related to the New Administration

In order to offer the best quality and most up to date content possible, each session is scheduled after our participation in nationwide workshops on the new changes and how to advocate for and on behalf of our communities.

Upcoming Virtual Sessions:

Friday, February 21 @ 4:00pm
Thursday, March 20 @ 5:00pm

To register and receive a Zoom Link
Call: 503-472-4020 x3761
or email:
*Presentations will be in both English and Spanish

Latest Safe Route Immigration News

The latest news and guidance to those seeking refuge and pursuing legal immigration status.

ALERT: On Feb. 1, 2025, Secretary of Homeland Security Kristi Noem decided to terminate Temporary Protected Status (TPS) under the 2023 designation for Venezuela.  

TPS and related benefits associated with the 2023 designation will end on April 7, 2025.

Maria perseveres for 7 years

Safe at last, providing for her kids

Fayez flees rival clans

Old blood feuds die hard.

Adi starts over after political exile

Cut off from her family, island home

Leo’s journey of religious persecution

A hard road for Evangelical Christians.

Kamran struggles for sexual freedom

Gay men live in shame and silence.

Solomon runs from slavery

Dodging gunfire and political repression.

Olga sacrifices home for faith

Enduring severe hardships of religious persecution.

Mostafa flees political extremists

Threats from his own family.

Claude resists political tyranny

Overcoming deep ethnic divisions.

Yasmin seeks new start for daughters

Education put them in harm’s way.

Helping families thrive together through accessible legal services and support.

Make a difference and support people pursuing legal
status in your community with a gift today.

About Safe Route Immigration

We provide affordable and empathetic guidance to those seeking refuge and pursuing legal immigration status.

Immigrants walk through a dark tunnel as sunlight shines down on them